Monday, November 27, 2023

                                                          Topic: Phases of the Moon

Objectives: by the end of the lesson the child will be able to tell the eight phases of the Moon and the the meaning of the new words such as gibbous, crescent, waxing and winning correctly after the discussion/ watching the video clips.

The eight phases of moon are new Moon, waning crescent, first quarter, last quarter, waxing gibbous, full Moon, waning gibbous and waxing crescent. These phases occurs due to the changing position of the Moon Earth and the Sun.

Waxing when phases of the Moon getting bigger.

Waning when the phases getting smaller.

Gibbous When the moon is more than half.

Crescent when the phases of the moon is less than half.

For more information watch video on phases of Moon:

Diagram shows the phases of Moon

                                                          Topic: Phases of the Moon Objectives: by the end of the lesson the child will be a...